
Gambia : national tribute to Biri Biri, the country bids farewell to its national Pelé

Gambia : national tribute to Biri Biri, the country bids farewell to its national Pelé
hommage national à Biri Biri

L’émotion était à son comble ce mercredi à Banjul où la Gambie a rendu hommage digne de son rend à Alhaji Momodo Njie plus connu sous le nom de Biri Biri. L’ancien joueur du FC Seville est décédé le dimanche 19 juillet à la clinique Cheikh Anta Diop à Dakar à l’âge de 72 ans.

A la fin des années 90, il a été adjoint au maire de la capitale gambienne, Banjul sous l’ère du président Yahya Jammeh.

Il était la première grande star du football gambien. Attaquant, Biri Biri fut le premier joueur professionnel de la Gambie. En plus de la sélection de la Gambie, il a évolué au Danemark, en Angleterre en Ecosse et au FC Séville (Espagne) de 1973 à 1978, devenant ainsi un des premiers footballeurs africains dans la Liga espagnole.

Nommé meilleur footballeur gambien du xxe siècle, il fut le premier joueur africain à devenir footballeur professionnel au Danemark. En 2000, Biri Biri est honoré de l’ordre du Mérite gambien par le président gambien Yahya Jammeh.

Cette légende du football gambien a reçu ce mercredi des obsèques digne de son rang avec la présence de milliers de personnes et surtout du président Gambien Adama Barrow.
Alhaji Momodo Njie repose désormais aux cimetières musulmanes de Banjul.

Gambia : national tribute to Biri Biri, the country bids farewell to its national Pelé Gambia : national tribute to Biri Biri, the country bids farewell to its national Pelé Gambia : national tribute to Biri Biri, the country bids farewell to its national Pelé Gambia : national tribute to Biri Biri, the country bids farewell to its national Pelé Gambia : national tribute to Biri Biri, the country bids farewell to its national Pelé Gambia : national tribute to Biri Biri, the country bids farewell to its national Pelé Gambia : national tribute to Biri Biri, the country bids farewell to its national Pelé Gambia : national tribute to Biri Biri, the country bids farewell to its national Pelé Gambia : national tribute to Biri Biri, the country bids farewell to its national Pelé Gambia : national tribute to Biri Biri, the country bids farewell to its national Pelé Gambia : national tribute to Biri Biri, the country bids farewell to its national Pelé Gambia : national tribute to Biri Biri, the country bids farewell to its national Pelé

Gambia : national tribute to Biri Biri, the country bids farewell to its national Pelé


Gambia: national tribute to Biri Biri, the country bids farewell to its national Pelé Text + Photos

The emotion was at its height this Wednesday in Banjul where The Gambia paid tribute worthy of its pay to Alhaji Momodo Njie better known as Biri Biri. The former Sevilla FC player died on Sunday July 19 at the Cheikh Anta Diop clinic in Dakar at the age of 72.

At the end of the 90s, he was deputy mayor of the Gambian capital, Banjul under the era of President Yahya Jammeh.

He was the first major Gambian football star. Forward, Biri Biri was Gambia’s first professional player. In addition to the selection of Gambia, he played in Denmark, England, Scotland and Sevilla FC (Spain) from 1973 to 1978, becoming one of the first African footballers in the Spanish Liga.

Named the best Gambian footballer of the twentieth century, he was the first African player to become a professional footballer in Denmark. In 2000, Biri Biri was honored with the Gambian Order of Merit by Gambian President Yahya Jammeh.

This Gambian football legend received a funeral worthy of his rank on Wednesday with the presence of thousands of people and especially Gambian President Adama Barrow.
Alhaji Momodo Njie now rests in the Muslim cemeteries of Banjul.

Abdoulaye Diallo (

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